OASIS Delegation of Procurement Authority (DPA) 23MAY24
Delegation of Procurement (DPA) training gives Contracting Officers access to the OASIS Unrestricted and OASIS Small Business contract vehicles and teaches best practices for task order issuance. A single DPA will be issued for both OASIS and OASIS SB. Warranted contracting officers (a contracting officer appointed pursuant to FAR 1.603) can request a DPA, which allows direct access to our Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs). The DPA clearly delineates the roles and responsibilities between the GSA contracting officer and the ordering contracting officer and complies with the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) executive agent designation to GSA.
DPA requestors must have a .gov or .mil email address. Requestors who do not have a .gov or .mil email address must submit a copy of their warrant as a federal contracting officer to oasisdpa@gsa.gov for consideration.