Office Hours — MAS & OASIS+ : Finding The Best Fit for Your Requirement

GSA offers two contracts that can meet most professional services requirements regardless of complexity and scope: the Professional Services under the Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Professional Services Category and our New Multi-Agency Contract OASIS+. Add value to the acquisition process by saving time and costs to focus on your mission needs. MAS Professional Services Category and OASIS+ reduce procurement lead times and administrative costs commonly associated with acquiring professional services. Join us this month to learn how our professional services contracts can help your agency meet small-business goals and maintain regulatory compliance while capturing spend under management (SUM) contract credit. Earn 1 CLP. 

About Office Hours:

Our monthly Office Hours webinars are designed to answer your questions about professional-services acquisitions and to help you find the right solution for complex requirements. Each Office Hours webinar is an open-forum session connecting federal Contracting Officers and other federal contracting professionals with GSA experts.

