Overview of Reporting - Contract Payment Reporting Module 3/15/23
Overview of Reporting - Contract Payment Reporting Module
This training class will cover preparation reporting required for CPRM
Failure to ensure the CAF is appropriately included in all task order solicitation responses and subsequent task order awards, on a separate line item, may lead to contract non-compliance. It is critical to ensure CAF is paid to you by ordering contracting offices, so that you may in turn remit payment to GSA. Your OASIS contract requires you to report new task orders awarded against your contract within 30 days in CPRM, and to report invoices each quarter after that. Remittance of CAF billed to, and collected from, your customers in a timely manner through CPRM reporting is required by the contract in Section G.3.1., Contract Access Fee. You may contact oasiscprm@gsa.gov with any questions you have about CPRM or reporting.