Professional Services, TAA, & Acquisition Gateway Training, JAN 2023

Mark your calendar right now to attend the monthly training series hosted by the Greater Southwest Region. This free training provides information on sustainable GSA acquisition solutions, programs, and resources.

Topics include:

- A deeper look at the Professional Services category and OASIS (featuring a comparison of the two for determining the best fit for your requirement); market research tools; ordering guides; how to navigate scope reviews; and upcoming additions during the next year

- A look at the the Acquisition Gateway, a website that helps federal government buyers from all agencies act as one acquisition community. Inside the Acquisition Gateway, you can find Governmentwide solution comparisons, connect with other acquisition professionals, and explore product and service category hallways. Learn how to access expert articles, templates, market research tools, prices paid data, and more to achieve successful outcomes at each step of the acquisition lifecycle.

- An overview of the Buy American Act and Trade Agreements Act. This training will simplify what the TAA and Buy American Acts are, where they come from, and how they apply to Schedules contract​s - with the goal of providing you with the knowledge necessary to ​understand the terms and conditions.

DATE: January 19, 2023

TIME: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM CST

LOCATION: Virtual/Online

AGENDA (all times Central Daylight Time)

9:00 – 10:00 AM Introduction to the Acquisition Gateway (1.0 CLP)

10:00 – 11:00 AM Professional Services Category Overview (1.5 CLPs)

11:00 – 11:15 AM Break

11:15 – 12:00 Buy American and Trade Agreements Act (1.0 CLP)

NOTE: Each session will end with a brief Q&A opportunity

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