According to the U.S. Department of Energy [PDF], in fiscal year 2020, federal facilities used 308.8 trillion Btu of energy at a cost of $5.3 billion and 120.4 billion gallons of water at a cost of $597 million. OFHPB works closely with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Federal Energy Management Program and other agencies and partners to pilot and promote innovative energy and water saving practices – meeting the requirements of federal statutes including the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, and Energy Act of 2020, while saving millions of dollars of taxpayer money.
The following resources provide more information.
SubmeteringResource | Description |
Submetering Business Case [PDF - 345 KB] | This document discusses the financial implications of using submetering as a means of energy cost management and reduction in federal facilities or commercial leased buildings |
What type of submetering is right for me? | This simple guide allows you to compare the strengths and limitations of available low-to-moderate cost submeter types so you can match tool capabilities to your project goals. |
SFTool: Submetering | An overview of issues and benefits associated with building energy and water submetering. |
SFTool: Submetering Wizard | An interactive tool to help users explore benefits of different approaches to submetering building electricity, gas and water use. |
Leased Asset Energy and GHG Reporting Interpretive Guidance [PDF - 749 KB] | A practical set of guidelines and best practices for agencies developing their own energy management policies and processes for leasing, energy metering and estimation, and GHG and sustainability reporting. |
OtherResource | Description |
Continuous Retuning [PDF - 1 MB] | A summary including best practices, case studies and references about continuous returning, a protocol to identify and implement low-cost and no-cost operations and maintenance measures to increase energy efficiency. |
Strategies to Achieve Net Zero Energy: The Fort Carson Energy Research Project | To help the Army and Fort Carson achieve their net zero energy goals, GSA partnered with them, the Department of Energy and two National Labs to conduct research on topics including building envelope design, lighting, retrofit, and energy use behavior. This web page summarizes the project’s research findings. |
SFTool: Cost Effective Upgrades | A tool to help users identify which energy conservation measures could be most cost-effective based on the size and location of their buildings. |
SFTool: Energy & Atmosphere | A comprehensive guide to building energy topics with links to numerous resources. |
SFTool: HVAC | An overview of heating, ventilation and air conditioning system issues with definitions and links to many additional resources. |
SFTool: Lighting | An overview of building lighting issues, with definitions, links and tips for higher performance. |
SFTool: Net Zero Energy | A broad discussion of the concept of Net Zero Energy (aka Zero Energy) Buildings, including case studies and additional resources. |