Public Affairs Officer
Cathy Rineer-Garber
New Chattanooga Courthouse
The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) has received authorization and appropriation totaling $239,302,000 for the site acquisition, design and construction of a new federal courthouse in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The courthouse, once completed, will consist of seven (7) courtrooms, nine (9) chambers, and forty (40) inside secure parking spaces. The facility will also provide space for the District Clerk, Bankruptcy Clerk, U.S. Marshals Services, U.S. Probation Office, U.S. Attorney’s Office, U.S. Trustees, Congressional Offices and the General Services Administration.
Current Status
The project is in Site Acquisition and acquisition of A-E firm and CMc.
Latest Updates
Site Selection
The Vine Street site, which is bounded by E. 5th Street, Lindsay Street, Vine Street, and Georgia Avenue, has been identified as the most advantageous location for the new courthouse.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Analysis
The final Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) [PDF - 5 MB]for the Vine Street site were completed in December 2024.
A Notice of Availability [PDF - 110 KB] was published on January 16, 2025.
Along with the sites analyzed in the previously published final Environmental Assessment (EA) and FONSI in April 2024, a draft SEA and associated draft FONSI were prepared for an additional site, referred to as the Vine Street site, being considered for the construction and operation of the new courthouse. The draft SEA and FONSI were published for public review on December 3, 2024, with comments requested by December 18, 2024.
Draft Finding of No Significant Impact and Supplemental Environmental Assessment [PDF - 3 MB]
Notice of Availability for the Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment for New Federal Courthouse in Chattanooga, Tennessee [PDF - 92 KB]
The final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) were completed in April 2024. The completion of these documents completes GSA’s initial responsibilities under NEPA required for this public undertaking.
Finding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment [PDF - 11 MB]
The Draft Finding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment were published for public review and comment on December 1, 2023, with comments requested by December 31, 2023.
A public meeting was held on June 14, 2023, at the Mac Avenue Event Space, located at 1304 McCallie Avenue, Chattanooga.
Notice of Public Scoping Meeting [PDF - 42 KB]
Public Scoping Meeting Transcript, Chattanooga Courthouse [PDF - 717 KB] June 14, 2023
Public Scoping Meeting Slide Deck [PDF - 2 MB]
Procurement of Architect & Engineering (A-E) Services
On November 7, 2024, GSA announced the selection of the Architect-Engineer (A-E) firm on The selected A-E for the project is HOK, formerly Hellmuth, Obata + Kassabaum. GSA expects to award the A-E contract in the first quarter of calendar year 2025.
Procurement of Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc) Services
This project is being delivered using the Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc) delivery method wherein the CMc acts as the General Contractor and is responsible for delivering the project within an agreed upon Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP). Under CMc, the Government awards a separate contract to an architect/engineer (A/E) firm to complete the design, and brings the CMc on board during design to provide input on schedule, budget, and constructability to help inform design decisions as the design progresses. As part of the CMc solicitation phase, the Government will request a GMP proposal prior to the completion of the design. GSA expects to publish the pre-solicitation notice on for Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc) services in the first quarter of calendar year 2025.
Upcoming Milestones
- 1st quarter of calendar year 2025 - CMc Pre-Solicitation Published
- 1st quarter of calendar year 2025 - A/E Contract Award
Project Details
- Total authorized: $218M for site acquisition, design and construction & related expenses
- Total appropriated (to date): $239M acquisition, design and construction & related expenses
- Design and Construction of the courthouse to follow GSA Design and Construction Excellence policies and procedures.
- Project Delivery Method: Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc)
News Releases
GSA seeks public comment on draft supplemental environmental assessment for new federal courthouse
GSA Announces Final Environmental Assessment for New USCH, Chattanooga, TN
GSA seeks public comment on draft environmental assessment for new federal courthouse
GSA to host public scoping meeting for new Federal Courthouse in Chattanooga
GSA Announces Sites Under Consideration for New Federal Courthouse in Chattanooga, Tenn.