Sample language for furniture requirements
Here is some sample language on test and technical requirements certification for furniture. Copy and paste the language that has a gray vertical border to its left. Fill in the text that is in [brackets] with your applicable information.
Example document title
Test and technical requirements certification for furniture
Example language for body
Contract action: [indicate one of the following]
- Modification (add product)
- New offer
- Product changes
- New or revised test standard
Product series and/or collection name(s): [insert product name]
Series and/or collection pricelist(s) title(s) and date(s): [insert pricelist and date]
Special Item Number(s) (SIN(s): [insert SIN]
I hereby certify that all the above products offered have been tested and have passed the applicable test requirements as identified in the Technical Requirements document of the solicitation. I understand that GSA reserves the right to request copies of test reports at any time prior to contract award or during the course of the contract. Failure to provide test reports if requested, may result in rejection of the offer or termination of the contract. GSA also reserves the right to test certified products during the term of the contract, to ensure compliance with the standards.
I agree to retest and provide a new test certification for the products under contract within 3 years of when new versions of the test standards are issued or within 8 months of when changes to the products are made.
In addition, I hereby agree that the products offered comply with all other applicable technical requirements specified for Special Item Numbers listed herein.
Signed: [insert signature]
Date: [insert date]
Printed name: [insert printed name]
Job title and company name: [insert job and company]
Name of company making this offer: [insert company name]
Name of company manufacturing offered product: [insert manufacturer name]
Contract number (if applicable): [insert contract number]