Program evaluation services subgroup
Under Multiple Award Schedule SIN 541611
In 2023, we created a subgroup under MAS SIN 541611 to establish a group of qualified, pre-vetted contractors that can be selected by federal agencies to design and carry out program evaluation activities to meet agency evidence-building needs (see definition of program evaluation in this Professional Services Category attachment.)
How it works
- Contractors apply to join the subgroup. Review application instructions.
- A panel of evaluation experts from the Evaluation Officer Council will review applications.
- The panel selects contractors with documented expertise and experience in program evaluation for the subgroup.
- Agencies channel program evaluation RFPs through the subgroup and make awards to subgroup holders.
- Agencies and subgroup holders meet regularly to discuss leading practices for program evaluation procurement.
Benefits of the subgroup
For federal agencies:
- Opportunity to target solicitations to contractors with verified expertise in program evaluation.
- Improved ability to meet Spend Under Management procurement goals.
For contractors:
- Access to the large and growing federal investment in program evaluation (over $500M in fiscal years 2018-2022).
- Ongoing engagement with federal agencies.
Who is eligible
Joining the subgroup: MAS contract holders (small and large businesses) under SIN 541611 who have technical expertise and relevant experience in rigorous evaluation design and execution, including outcome and impact evaluations.
Using the subgroup: All federal agencies.
How contractors can join the subgroup
- Review the application instructions in the MAS Professional Services Category attachment.
- Submit a written application to that includes all of the required elements.
- Respond to a follow-up scenario if we (or the buyer) request it.
- If we notify you that you received “pass” ratings for both the initial submission and the scenario response, add the subgroup in eBuy using these instructions.
How federal agencies can use the subgroup
- Publish solicitations on eBuy under SIN 541611.
- Can be for BPAs and individual task orders.
- Specify in the solicitation text that the requirement is open only to holders of the program evaluation services subgroup, and that proposals will only be accepted from approved subgroup holders.
- For more information on how to utilize the subgroup, you can view the Program Evaluation Services Subgroup Ordering Procedures [PDF - 250 KB] guide.
For more information