Requirements for SIN 33611: Purchase or lease of gas or electric low speed vehicles
Compliance requirements for SIN 33611
For low speed vehicles to be technically acceptable under Special Item Number 33611, the vehicle must comply with, and undergo compliance testing with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 500. Vehicles offered should be tested with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s laboratory test procedure TP-500-02 for FMVSS 500 low speed vehicles.
Testing information to submit to contracting officer during procurement
For each model offered1, provide a compliance test report from a recognized testing laboratory2. The report should include the
- Purpose
- Procedure
- Results summary
- Test data sheets
- Noncompliance data, if applicable
- Related photos
- Equipment list
- Calibration information
Use the format, forms, and templates in laboratory test procedure TP-500-02 for your submission, or your proposal may be rejected.
Also, the low speed vehicle manufacturer should be registered with the NHTSA, with the product type of low speed vehicles. Provide proof of such registration with your offer, and include the vehicle models offered under SIN 33611.
1 Model offered: When multiple models are offered under SIN 33611, a representative model can be submitted for testing to lower manufacturer costs. The representative model submitted should be similar in style, type, motor, controller, batter configuration, and more, to the other models offered. Government approval is required for representative models.
2 Recognized testing laboratory: While an independent contractor laboratory listed by the NHTSA’s Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance is recommended, the vehicle manufacturer can use
- A non-listed laboratory
- A qualified organization with experience in automotive testing
- Its own test facility directed by a licensed, professional engineer
Compliance rules and reminders
Only vehicle models that comply with FMVSS 500 apply under SIN 33611. Non-compliant models cannot be offered under SIN 33611, even if the base vehicle model can be made compliant by adding some of the offered safety equipment options, such as seat belts, windshields, head lamps, and parking brakes.
The base model must be FMVSS 500 compliant.
Do not list the same vehicle model on two different Schedules.
Visit NHTSA for useful contact information.