Consider transactional data reporting
Transactional data reporting, or TDR, is our way of collecting data about the prices paid for products and services sold through the Multiple Award Schedule and helps us better understand what the government purchases. We implemented the TDR pilot under specific special item numbers as a less-burdensome alternative to legacy pricing disclosure requirements for vendors.
The TDR pilot is a result of an Acquisition Regulation final rule published in June 2016 requiring vendors to report transactional data from orders placed against certain MAS, governmentwide indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity, and governmentwide acquisition contracts.
You will report line item data on 16 elements each month
If you opt into TDR, you will use our Sales Reporting Portal to report this data:
- Contract or BPA number
- Delivery, task order number, or procurement instrument identifier
- Non-federal entity
- Special item number
- Description of deliverable
- Manufacturer name
- Manufacturer part number
- Unit measure
- Universal product code
- Quantity of item
- Price paid per unit
- Total price
- Federal customer*
- Order date*
- Ship date*
- ZIP code shipped to*
*Indicates a new field that will be collected starting July 1, 2024, on an optional basis for no less than six months.
Things to keep in mind
New MAS offerors
- Only some SINs are eligible to participate.
- You do not have to opt in, even if your SIN(s) are eligible.
- If you have a blend of eligible and non-eligible SINs, and you choose to opt-in for the eligible one(s), your entire contract will be subject to TDR.
- If you opt in on eOffer, you cannot change your decision later.
- If you mistakenly opt in for SIN(s) that are not eligible, you will have to withdraw your offer, or we will have to reject it.
Existing MAS contractors
- When you submit your offer for a follow-on contract, you can opt-in on eOffer if your SIN(s) are eligible.
- If you intend to hold continuous contracts — where you leave the existing contract open for a finite period of time to accommodate active Blanket Purchase Agreements and also have a new MAS contract — you should have the same TDR status for both contracts.
- Having the same TDR status for both contracts simplifies contract administration and facilitates compliance with contract terms and conditions. However, FAS contracting officers do have the discretion to award the new MAS contract with a different TDR participation status than your non-surviving MAS contract.
Compare requirements for TDR and non-TDR offers
Type | TDR offer and award requirements | Traditional offer and award requirements (non-TDR) |
Commercial sales practice | Not required | You must submit a CSP disclosure with the offer or certain modification requests, and we may require it when exercising options. |
Most favored customer and basis of award information | Not required | You must submit the most favored customer and basis of award information with the offer and with certain modification requests. We must be able to identify this at time of award. You must maintain the MFC and BOA price-discount relationship that you established at the time of award throughout the life of the contract. |
Tracking of price reduction violations | Not required | You must track and report price reduction violations. |
Evaluation criteria | We evaluate offers according to GSAR 538.270-2. | We evaluate orders according to GSAR 538.270-1. |
Transactional data reporting | You must report information on 16 transactional data elements within 30 days after the end of each month. See GSAR 552.238-80 ALTERNATE I for more info. | You do not report TDR data, but must report total aggregate contract sales by SIN on a quarterly basis within 30 days after the end of each quarter. |
Industrial funding fee | You must remit IFF within 30 days after the end of each quarter. | You must remit IFF within 30 days after the end of each quarter. |
SINs eligible for TDR pilot
Category | Subcategory | SIN | SIN title |
Information technology | IT hardware | 33411 | Purchasing of new electronic equipment |
Information technology | IT software | 54151 | Software maintenance services |
Facilities | Facilities services | 238320 | Surface preparation |
Facilities | Food service equipment | 311423 | Non perishable foods |
Furniture and furnishings | Flooring | 314110 | Carpet flooring |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 314120 | Lodging and hospitality supplies and services |
Miscellaneous | Apparel | 315210 | Uniforms |
Furniture and furnishings | Flooring | 321918 | Commercial flooring |
Facilities | Facilities supplies | 322291 | Restroom products |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 324110 | Propane |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 324191 | Commercial coatings, removers, adhesives, sealants and lubricants, petroleum and waxes |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 325320 | Pest and animal control products and services |
Industrial products and services | Cleaning supplies | 325611 | Cleaning products |
Industrial products and services | Cleaning supplies | 325612 | Disinfectants, sterilants, and deodorizers |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 325998 | Chemical additives |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 321920 | Pallets, plastic, and wood |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 327910 | Abrasives and blasters |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 331315A | Aluminum sheets |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 332913 | Plumbing products and bathroom fixture solutions |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 332999BMS | Building materials and services |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 332999P | Spill containment units, containment pallets, non-wooden pallets |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 333414 | Water heaters |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 333415HVAC | Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, or HVAC |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 333912 | Air compressors and pressure cleaners |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 333914 | Fuel management systems |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 333922 | Warehouse equipment supplies |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 333923S | Scaffolding, work, and service platforms |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 33512 | Energy-efficient lighting and sustainable energy solutions |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 335911 | Batteries |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 335999 | Power distribution equipment and solar energy solutions |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 532412 | Leased equipment and accessories |
Industrial products and services | Machinery and components | 333921 | Vehicle material handling equipment |
Industrial products and services | Packaging | 322220 | Performance-oriented packaging, or POP |
Industrial products and services | Packaging | 3PACK | Packaging materials |
Industrial products and services | Test and measurement supplies | 333997 | Scales and balances |
Industrial products and services | Fire, rescue, safety, and environmental protection equipment | 326220 | Hoses, valves, fittings, nozzles, and couplings |
Industrial products and services | Fire, rescue, safety, and environmental protection equipment | 339999S | Safety zone products |
Facilities | Facilities supplies | 326199 | Waste and recycling containers and receptacles — outdoor and indoor use |
Industrial products and services | Hardware and tools | 332510 | Hardware manufacturing (hardware store, home improvement center, or MRO services) |
Industrial products and services | Hardware and tools | 333112 | Lawn and garden equipment, machinery, implements, tools, products and accessories |
Facilities | Food service equipment | 333241 | Food preparation equipment |
Office management | Audio visual products | 334310 | Professional audio/video products |
Miscellaneous | Personal hair care items | 335210 | Personal care items |
Miscellaneous | Awards | 339999ASB | Awards (small business set aside) |
Miscellaneous | Flags | 339999F | Includes all flags, banners, pennants, and related products. |
Miscellaneous | Musical instruments | 339992 | Sounds of music |
Miscellaneous | Apparel | 3152 | Clothing |
Miscellaneous | Apparel | 316210 | Footwear |
Miscellaneous | Apparel | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
Facilities | Food service equipment | 335220 | Sanitation and warewashing equipment |
Facilities | Food service equipment | 336999 | Food center concepts |
Office management | Office supplies | 339940 | Office products |
Office management | Office supplies | 333318 | Dictating and transcribing machines and systems |
Office management | Office supplies | 333318SBSA | Office security equipment and IT products (small business set aside) |
Office management | Printing and photographic equipment | 325992 | Micro-photographic film, paper, chemical preparation, and equipment |
Office management | Printing and photographic equipment | 333316P | Photographic supplies and equipment |
Facilities | Facilities supplies | 339994 | Hand floor cleaning equipment |
Information technology | IT software | 511210 | Software licenses |
Information technology | Telecommunications | 517410 | Commercial satellite communications solutions (COMSATCOM) |
Industrial products and services | Hardware and tools | 532310 | Rental and leasing of hardware store products |
Scientific management and solutions | Testing and analysis | 541380 | Testing laboratory services |
Scientific management and solutions | Laboratory animals | 333999 | Animal caging equipment |
Scientific management and solutions | Laboratory equipment | 333314 | Microscopes |
Scientific management and solutions | Laboratory equipment | 333415 | Laboratory refrigerators and freezers |
Scientific management and solutions | Laboratory equipment | 334513 | Water, air, soil, and seismic measuring |
Scientific management and solutions | Laboratory equipment | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring, and testing equipment |
Scientific management and solutions | Laboratory equipment | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
Scientific management and solutions | Laboratory equipment | 334519ENV | Environmental measuring instruments |
Scientific management and solutions | Laboratory equipment | 339113LAB | Laboratory equipment and products |
Scientific management and solutions | Medical equipment | 339113R | Medical/rescue and patient transportation products |
Scientific management and solutions | Medical equipment | 339112 | Breathing air equipment and related items |
Scientific management and solutions | Search and navigation | 334511 | Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical, and nautical systems and instruments |
Professional services | Technical and engineering services (non IT) | 541420 | Engineering system design and integration services |
Professional services | Technical and engineering services (non IT) | 541690 | Technical consulting services |
Professional services | Technical and engineering services (non IT) | 541713 | Engineering research and development in nanotechnology |
Professional services | Technical and engineering services (non IT) | 541714 | Engineering research and development in biotechnology |
Professional services | Technical and engineering services (non IT) | 541715 | Engineering research and development and strategic planning |
Professional services | Technical and engineering services (non IT) | 541720 | Research, analysis and developmental services in the social sciences and humanities |
Professional services | Technical and engineering services (non IT) | 541990 | All other professional, scientific, and technical services (non IT) |
Facilities | Facilities services | 561730 | Grounds maintenance |
Furniture and furnishings | Flooring | 314110SBSA | Carpet flooring (small business set-aside) |
Furniture and furnishings | Flooring | 321918PF | Portable flooring solutions |
Furniture and furnishings | Miscellaneous furniture | 337122OSB | Park, recreational, and outdoor furniture (small business set-aside) |
Furniture and furnishings | Miscellaneous furniture | 337215SBSA | Wall units and displays (small business set-aside) |
Furniture and furnishings | Signs | 339950 | Signs |
Furniture and furnishings | Fitness solutions | 339920PARK | Park and playground equipment |
Furniture and furnishings | Fitness solutions | 339920S | Sporting goods equipment and supplies |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 325998W | Water treatment solutions |
Facilities | Food service equipment | 332215T | Cooking utensils |
Industrial products and services | Hardware and tools | 332510C | Hardware store, home improvement center, industrial or general supply store, or industrial maintenance repair and operations (MRO) distributor — catalog |
Industrial products and services | Hardware and tools | 332510S | Hardware store, home improvement center, industrial or general supply store, or industrial maintenance repair and operations (MRO) distributor — store front |
Facilities | Facilities supplies | 333318F | Floor care cleaning and equipment |
Facilities | Food service equipment | 333415REM | Refrigeration equipment |
Industrial products and services | Hardware and tools | 333TOOL | Tools (powered and non powered), tool kits, tool boxes and accessories |
Office management | Audio visual products | 334290OS | Overseas (international) audio/visual products |
Office management | Audio visual products | 334511T | Telecommunications equipment |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 335220D | Domestic appliances |
Industrial products and services | Industrial products | 335220E | Export appliances |
Security and protection products and services | Protective equipment | 332216 | Law enforcement, firefighting and rescue tools, equipment, and accessories |
Security and protection products and services | Protective equipment | 332312F | Flood control |
Security and protection products and services | Protective equipment | 332994 | Burning equipment |
Security and protection products and services | Protective equipment | 332999 | Law enforcement personal equipment |
Security and protection products and services | Protective equipment | 336320 | Vehicle signal and restraint system |
Security and protection products and services | Protective equipment | 337215 | Firearm care |
Security and protection products and services | Protective equipment | 339920 | Target systems/target range accessories |
Security and protection products and services | Protective equipment | 3FIRE | Fire management equipment |
Security and protection products and services | Testing equipment | 325412 | Criminal investigative equipment and supplies |
Security and protection products and services | Testing equipment | 339999E | Evidence collection and investigative equipment, and supplies |
Facilities | Facilities supplies | 339113G | Gloves |
Office management | Office supplies | 339940OS4 | OS4 office products and supplies |
Office management | Office supplies | 339940OVER | OS4 overseas office products and supplies |
Office management | Office supplies | 339940SVC | Office supply support services |
Furniture and furnishings | Household dormitory and quarters furniture | 3FURNISH | Commercial office furnishings (SBSA) |
Miscellaneous | Complementary SINs | 4PL | Fourth-party logistics (4PL) supplies and services |
Professional services | Technical and engineering services (non IT) | 541330EMI | Engineering services related to military, aerospace equipment, military weapons, National Energy Policy Act of 1992, marine engineering or naval architecture |
Professional services | Technical and engineering services (non IT) | 541330ENG | Engineering services |
Facilities | Facilities services | 541690E | Energy services |
Professional services | Technical and engineering services (non IT) | 541715AIR | Engineering research and development for aircraft, aircraft engines and engine parts |
Professional services | Technical and engineering services (non IT) | 541715APM | Engineering research and development for other aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment, guided missiles and space vehicles, their propulsion units and propulsion parts |
Office management | Audio visual services | 541990AV | Professional audio/video services |
Facilities | Facilities maintenance and repair | 561210FAC | Facilities maintenance and management |
Facilities | Facilities solutions | 811310MR | Machine and equipment sales, maintenance and repair |
Transportation and logistical products and services | Motor vehicles (non-combat) | 326211 | Tires — new |
Transportation and logistical products and services | Motor vehicles (non-combat) | 326212 | Tires — retreaded |
Transportation and logistical products and services | Motor vehicles (non-combat) | 333318T | Wheel and tire equipment |
Transportation and logistical products and services | Motor vehicles (non-combat) | 336350 | Remanufactured automotive components |
Transportation and logistical products and services | Motor vehicles (non-combat) | 3363P | Spare components and vehicle accessories |
Transportation and logistical products and services | Motor vehicles (non-combat) | 336991 | Wheel and track vehicles |
Transportation and logistical products and services | Motor vehicles (non-combat) | 336612R | Recreational watercraft |
Transportation and logistical products and services | Packaging services | 332439 | Shipping, cargo, freight, and storage containers |
Transportation and logistical products and services | Packaging services | 334419 | Unique identification/Radio frequency identification |
Miscellaneous | Complementary SINs | ANCILLARY (only in conjunction with other TDR-eligible SINs) | Ancillary supplies and services |
Miscellaneous | Complementary SINs | NEW (only in conjunction with other TDR-eligible SINs) | Introduction of new supplies and services |
Source: Available offerings spreadsheet, which is available with the MAS solicitation.
Demand data sharing
GSA shares contractor-reported TDR data publicly on the Vendor Support Center in the form of demand data. New demand data files are posted every other month and display top-selling products across GSA’s General Supplies and Services and Information Technology Category business lines.