Within the My Team tile, four tabs are accessible and will offer guidance on how to use each tab.
The My Team tile on the Manager Self Service homepage enables you to review information regarding your direct reports and indirect reports.
Section 1: Explore the Summary tab of the My Team tile
Under the Summary tab, supervisors can find the following topics:
The Summary tab displays basic information about your direct and indirect reports, including:
- Name
- Title
- Department
- Location
- Email
- Phone
- Recent Transaction Information
- Encumbered positions will display current employee information, and unencumbered/vacant positions will display prior incumbent information, if applicable. Your direct reports will automatically display in the grid. Topic 1.4 will explain how to view your indirect reports (If you are a 2nd level supervisor).
Topic 1.1: Filter direct reports
Select the filter icon to display filtering options.
Enter one or more criteria to filter on. Select the Filter button.
View the active filters that display at the top of the grid.
Note: Filters will carry across all tabs (Position, Compensation, and Leave Balances). If needed, select the X button to remove the filter.
Topic 1.2: Accessing the Approval tile
Selecting the Approvals link within the My Team tile will transfer you to your Approvals tile to see the list of transactions pending your approval.
Topic 1.3: Viewing recent transactions
The Recent column will display any recent MSS transactions that were submitted on your employees within the last 90 days. The number on the icon indicates the number of transactions. For filled (encumbered) positions, Recent Actions will include transactions for the current incumbent employee. For vacant (unencumbered) positions, Recent Actions will include only transactions taken on the position, not actions from the previous incumbent.
Select the number icon in the Recent column for a specific employee.
On the Recent MSS Actions window that opens, view the transaction information, including the status of the transaction.
Topic 1.4: View indirect reports
Option 1: Select the Include Indirects toggle button.
Option 2: Select the View Team link under a direct report.
Option 3: Select the Change Team link.
The Change Team link will display a pop-up window with the list of supervisors who report to the user. Select a supervisor from this list.
Once a supervisor is selected from the Change Team link, a visual list of breadcrumbs (hierarchy) is displayed. To return to their direct reports, the user may select the name from the hierarchy breadcrumbs.
Section 2: Explore the Position tab of the My Team tile
The Position tab includes basic position information about each employee reporting to you, including:
- Position
- Job code
- PD number
- Type of appointment
- Hours
The grid on this tab is the same as the grid on the Summary tab and will include both employees (encumbered positions) and vacant positions.
Select a PD Number link on an employee row.
On the pop-up widow, view the displayed PD Library information.
Section 3: Explore the Compensation tab of the My Team tile
The Compensation tab includes basic compensation information about each employee reporting to
you, including:
- Pay Plan
- Pay Table
- Grade
- Step Entry Date
- WGI Information
- Total Salary
The grid on this tab is the same as the grid on the Summary tab and will include both employees (encumbered positions) and vacant positions.
Section 4: Explore the Leave Balances tab of the My Team tile
The Leave Balances tab includes relevant leave balance information for each employee reporting to you, including:
- Annual Leave Balance
- Sick Leave Balance
- Use or Lose Balance
This grid on this tab displays all your direct and indirect reports, including both encumbered and vacant positions.
Select the View Details link on an employee row.
On the pop-up window, view specific information about each type of balance.