GSA launches Enterprise Risk Management Playbook
WASHINGTON — This week, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) launched the Playbook: Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) for the federal government to help agencies meet the requirements from the recent update of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)’s Circular A-123. The revision to Circular A-123 defines management’s responsibility for enterprise risk management and internal control in federal agencies and modernizes existing efforts by requiring agencies to implement an ERM capability. This playbook provides key concepts for consideration when establishing an effective ERM program.
The Playbook was developed as part of an interagency effort convened by the Office of Executive Councils to bring together risk practitioners and cross functional representatives from more than twenty federal agencies to gather, define, and illustrate practices in applying ERM in the federal context. The Playbook will help departments and agencies make better decisions based on a more holistic view of risks and their interdependencies. The implementation of Circular A-123 is an opportunity to help agencies improve their processes to get a better view of risk while also formalizing the great work already undertaken by many other agencies in this area.
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