Federal Center South building image

Federal Center South building image

Federal Center South interior image

Federal Center South interior image

Federal Center South interior

Federal Center South interior

Regional Administrator (U.S. General Services Administration) George Northcroft

U.S. Representative Jim McDermott

Acting PBS Regional Commissioner (U.S. General Services Administration) Dan Brown

Wilf Wainhouse (Chief Operations Officer, Sellen Construction Company) with Dan Brown (U.S. General Services Administration).

Wilf Wainhouse (Chief Operations Officer, Sellen Construction Company)

Wilf Wainhouse (Chief Operations Officer, Sellen Construction Company)

Allyn Stellmacher (Design Partner, ZFG Architects)

Allyn Stellmacher (ZGF Architects) with Dan Brown (U.S. General Services Administration)

Colonel Bruce Estok (Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District)

GSA, Sellen, ZGF, and the USACE Celebrate the Building Dedication with the handing over of the "Key" to building... the "Key" was made with some of the reclaimed timber from the original building.

Official program (cover)

Official program (inside)