Replacing Cracked Or Missing Asphalt Tiles


  1. This procedure includes guidance on the replacement of all cracked, broken, worn, curled or missing asphalt tiles with new to match existing. This includes the removal of cement patching materials. This procedure may also be used for the installation of a new asphalt tile floor to match the original design and configuration
  2. Asphalt tiles are very hard, resilient floor tiles; composed of asbestos fibers, finely ground limestone fillers, mineral pigments and asphaltic or resinous binders. The tiles are generally set in a mastic over a wood or concrete subfloor
  3. See “General Project Guidelines” for general project guidelines to be reviewed along with this procedure. These guidelines cover the following sections
    1. Safety Precautions
    2. Historic Structures Precautions
    3. Submittals
    4. Quality Assurance
    5. Delivery, Storage and Handling
    6. Project/Site Conditions
    7. Sequencing and Scheduling
    8. General Protection (Surface and Surrounding)
      These guidelines should be reviewed prior to performing this procedure and should be followed, when applicable, along with recommendations from the Regional Historic Preservation Officer (RHPO).


  1. Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s technical data for each type of synthetic flexible composite flooring and accessory.
  2. Samples for Initial Selection Purposes: Submit manufacturer’s standard color charts in form of actual sections of synthetic flexible composite flooring, including accessories, showing full range of colors and patterns available for each type of synthetic flexible composite flooring required.
  3. Samples for Verification Purposes: Submit the following samples of each type, color and pattern of synthetic flexible composite flooring required, showing full range of color and pattern variations.
    1. Full size tile samples.
    2. Other materials as requested.
  4. Certification for Fire Test Performance: Submit certification from an independent testing laboratory acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction that synthetic flexible composite flooring complies with fire test performance requirements.
  5. Maintenance Instructions: Submit two copies of your manufacturer’s recommended maintenance practices for each type of synthetic flexible composite flooring and accessory required.
  6. Work Description: Prior to commencing the work, Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer’s representative a written description of the entire methods and procedures proposed for all the work to be carried out including, but not limited to, preparation of substrate, cutting out existing tiles, replacement, installation of new tiles and cleaning of existing tiles.
  7. Methods of Protection: Prior to commencing cleaning operations, the Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer’s representative for review a written description of proposed materials and methods of protection for preventing damage to adjacent materials and the building interior during the cleaning and replacement of the asphalt tiles.


  1. The general objective of the installation of new asphalt tile is to recreate the original design intent of the primary historic spaces. Refer to original design drawings, historical photographs and/or physical evidence for the installation patterns.
  2. The general objective for replacement of asphalt floor tiles is to match the existing floor color, pattern and the existing floor tiles, and all other respects so that the new floor tiles are not visible in the overall view of the floors.
  3. The general objectives for cleaning the asphalt tile floor are to remove dirt, grime and protective coatings from the surface without damaging the underlying material, and to give all the flooring a clean uniform appearance.
  4. Contractor: The work of this section shall be performed by an installer who is certified in writing by the asphalt tile manufacturer as qualified to complete the scope of work described. Work in this section shall be performed by a Contractor possessing a minimum of three (3) years of specialized experience in the installation of synthetic flexible composite flooring. The Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer’s representative references of previous work justifying the firm’s experience. The Contracting Officer’s representative reserves the right to approve or disapprove the use of the Contractor contingent on the firm’s experience.
  5. In the event that a Contractor wishes to modify any methods specified in this section, he shall submit his proposal in writing for consideration and review. The Contracting Officer’s representative will have the right to ask for samples before final approval. Any such modifications or changes shall be a no additional cost to the Government.
  6. Regulatory Requirements:
    1. Comply with municipal and Federal regulations governing the cleaning, chemical waste disposal, scaffolding protection to adjacent properties and workers.
    2. Refer to Federal Government Specification Section 01546, Health and Safety, and comply with all the section requirements.
  7. Samples: The Contractor shall clean a 4’-0” by 4’-0” bay of the existing asphalt floor tile on each different color for review by the Contracting Officer’s representative. Locations of sample floor bays to be selected by the Contracting Officer’s representative. These cleaned asphalt floor tile bays are to be protected by the Contractor and will be used for matching replacement asphalt floor tiles.
  8. The Contractor shall prepare a sample bay, approximately 4’-0” by 4’-0”, of replaced asphalt floor tile. The sample bay should be made to match the existing cleaned adjacent asphalt floor tile in all respects. The Contracting Officer’s representative shall select the location for the sample of replaced asphalt floor tile.


  1. Environmental Requirements: Maintain minimum temperature of 65 F (18 C) in spaces to receive synthetic flexible composite flooring for at least 48 hours prior to installation, during installation and for not less than 48 hours after installation. Store synthetic flexible composite flooring materials in spaces where they will be installed for at least 48 hours before beginning installation. Subsequently, maintain minimum temperature of 55 F (13 C) in areas where work is completed.


  1. Coordinating Work: Install synthetic flexible composite flooring and accessories after other finishing operations, including painting, have been completed.


  1. Extra Stock:
    1. Deliver stock of maintenance materials to Government. Furnish maintenance materials from same manufactured lot as materials installed and enclosed in protective packaging with appropriate identifying labels.
    2. Tile Flooring: furnish not less than one box for each 50 boxes, or fraction thereof, for each type, color, pattern and size installed.


  1. True Value Company
    Cary, IL


  1. Asphalt Floor Tiles: Color and patterns to be determined (Kentile Floors, Inc.), or approved equal.
  2. Adhesives (Cements): Waterproof stabilized-type to byrecommended by the manufacturer of the synthetic flexible composite flooring to be installed.
  3. Concrete Slab Primer: Non-staining type as recommended by the flooring manufacturer.
  4. Leveling and Patching Compounds: Latex-type as recommended by the manufacturer.
  5. Cleaning Asphalt Floor Tiles (Built-up Coatings): A non-ammoniated liquid was stripper/floor cleaner such as “Tru-Test Floor Stripper FS10” (Tru-Test Manufacturing Company), approved equal.


  1. Verification of Conditions: Require installer to inspect subfloor surfaces to determine that they are satisfactory. A satisfactory subfloor surface is defined as one that is smooth and free from cracks, holes, ridges, coatings preventing adhesive bond, and other defects impairing performance or appearance.
  2. Work shall not proceed until the subfloor surfaces have had all dirt, foreign matter, old mastics and adhesives removed.


  1. Surface Preparation: Prepare subfloor surfaces as follows:
    1. Use leveling and patching compounds as recommended by synthetic flexible composite flooring manufacturer for filling small cracks, holes and depressions in subfloors.
    2. Remove coatings from subfloor surfaces that would prevent adhesive bond, including curing compounds incompatible with flooring adhesives, paint, oils, waxes and sealers.
    3. Broom clean or vacuum surfaces to be covered and inspect subfloor.


  1. General:
    1. Install synthetic flexible composite flooring using method indicated in strict compliance with manufacturer’s printed instructions. Extend synthetic flexible composite flooring into toe spaces, door reveals, and into closets and similar openings.
    2. Scribe, cut and fit synthetic flexible composite flooring to permanent fixtures, built-in furniture and cabinets, pipes, outlets and permanent columns, walls and partitions.
    3. Tightly cement synthetic flexible composite flooring to sub-base without open cracks, voids, raising and puckering at joints, telegraphing of adhesive spreader marks or other surface imperfections. Hand roll synthetic flexible composite flooring at perimeter of each covered area to assure adhesion.
  2. Installation of Tile Floors:
    1. Lay tile from center marks established with principal walls, discounting minor offsets, so that tile at opposite edges of room area of equal width. Adjust as necessary to avoid use of cut widths less than one-half tile at room perimeters. Lay tile square to room axis, unless otherwise shown.
    2. Match tiles for color and pattern by using tile from cartons in same sequence as manufactured and packaged if so numbered. Cut tile neatly around all fixtures. Broken, cracked, chipped or deformed tiles are not acceptable.
      1. Lay tile to follow the existing floor tile pattern or as recommended in the original drawings.
      2. Adhere tile flooring to substrate using full spread of adhesive applied in compliance with flooring manufacturer’s directions.
  3. All the asphalt floor tiles are to be cleaned and sealed upon completion. See recommendations in procedure 09660-04-R for guidance.