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One of the government’s top priorities for telecommunications is the transition of services from the expiring Networx, WITS 3, and the Local Telecommunications Services (legacy) contracts to Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions.
The transition is an opportunity for agencies to modernize telecommunications and IT services — planning and executing an effective and efficient transition from the expiring contracts to EIS will help your agency avoid disruptions and added costs.
GSA updates the Networks Authorized User List [XLSX - 58 KB] of agencies authorized to use the expiring contracts (see Section H.2.3a and b of those contracts) as we enforce the eligibility condition for the extension of expiring contracts.
Use of the expiring contracts will be further restricted by the limitations process and the freeze on modifications and orders. Read more about this in the letter to all Agency Transition Sponsors [PDF - 189 KB] from the FAS Assistant Commissioner Laura Stanton.
All agencies using expiring contracts must meet these critical dates to ensure services are transitioned to EIS or another contract vehicle without impact to mission operations:
Several local telecommunications contracts are set to expire before May 31, 2026, and will not be extended. Agencies with inventory on a contract ending before May 31, 2026 must transition services on the contract before the contract end date. To learn more about these contract expiration dates and how they may impact your services, visit the Networx, WITS, and Local Telecommunications section of our Legacy IT Contracts page.
We will manage the transition timeline and help agencies transition existing services to the replacement EIS contracts to ensure continuity of services.
Our dedicated team of solutions brokers can help navigate your agency’s telecom acquisition and execute task orders.
The Transition Coordination Center provides customer support, training, self-help tools, and templates to transition agencies. We can help you:
We maintain a transition inventory to capture expiring Networx, WITS 3, and Local Telecommunications Services contracts.
TI is a collection of agency data compiled at the Service Instance Record level. A SIR reflects a summarized roll-up of a current base service composed of legacy contract data for both active and disconnected services. We validate the TI monthly and update data to account for new records, disconnected services, and changes.
Authorized agency users can access the TI using the E-MORRIS application. Each agency needs to have at least one user with E-MORRIS access in order to manage the TI data. GSA recommends having multiple users with E-MORRIS accounts as backup. These users can access and download TI data, and view transition progress tracking statistics based on the AB Codes and AHCs identified during the registration process.
Each agency was expected to review and confirm the validated TI no later than October 31, 2016. The TI is used for tracking and reporting transition progress, so your agency should continue to monitor TI for accuracy and:
Transition Inventory user guide [PDF - 4 MB] [PDF - 4 MB]
Transition Inventory frequently asked questions [PDF - 245 KB] [PDF - 245 KB]
For questions about TI, contact
The All Agency Inventory extends current TI SIRs to a more detailed level. The data is based on active services only and does not include disconnects. AAI data includes Contract Line Item Numbers, Service Enabling Device CLINs, features, bandwidth, and other data elements not included in TI. AAI data can help agencies develop Fair Opportunity solicitations and subsequent service orders.
AAI uses business rules, technical specifications, and contract requirements to transform data received from contractor inventory, billing, and orders for expiring contracts into a common format, thereby reducing the need for individual agency data collection and saving time. Data is normalized using relationships and other attributes to reduce data redundancy and improve data integrity. Current contract data is mapped to primary and secondary EIS services, CLINs, Core Based Statistical Areas, and other contract components.
Contact your GSA solutions broker to discuss your agency’s FO requirements and request AAI from the TCC inventory team.
Our All Agency Inventory user guide [DOCX - 1 MB] explains the components of AAI, including data sources, available data fields, reports, the process to request AAI, and how to report issues.
The EIS Transition Progress Tracking Report [DOCX - 2 MB] [DOCX - 2 MB] provides a monthly status of transition progress from the expiring Networx, WITS 3, and Local Telecommunications Services contracts.
Transition is complete when:
As of 1/31/2025, there are 188 agencies that have completed transition including 6 large, 16 medium, and 166 small. Completed transitions can be searched below.
Agency category | AB code | Agency name | Transition complete |
L | 3600 | Department of Veterans Affairs | 2024/11 |
L | 8000 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | 2024/11 |
L | 7500 | Department of Health and Human Services | 2024/08 |
L | 1600 | Department of Labor | 2024/07 |
L | 1900 | Department of State | 2024/07 |
L | 2804 | Social Security Administration | 2024/07 |
M | 6800 | Environmental Protection Agency | 2024/09 |
M | 8600 | Department of Housing and Urban Development | 2024/07 |
M | 4900 | National Science Foundation | 2024/07 |
M | 6400 | Tennessee Valley Authority | 2024/06 |
M | 3100 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | 2024/03 |
M | 2600 | Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board | 2023/11 |
M | 9100 | Department of Education | 2023/10 |
M | 5000 | Securities and Exchange Commission | 2023/07 |
M | 2700 | Federal Communications Commission | 2023/06 |
M | 9559 | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau | 2023/05 |
M | 6300 | National Labor Relations Board | 2023/02 |
M | 1606 | Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation | 2023/02 |
M | 9507 | Commodity Futures Trading Commission | 2022/12 |
M | 7200 | US Agency for International Development | 2022/03 |
M | 1100 | Executive Office of the President | 2021/07 |
M | 5100 | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | 2021/05 |
S | 1915 | International Boundary and Water Commission US and Mexico | 2025/01 |
S | 9558 | Federal Home Loan Bank | 2024/11 |
S | 9514 | Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission | 2024/11 |
S | 6500 | Federal Maritime Commission | 2024/09 |
S | NB12 | Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe - Minnesota Chippewa Tribe (NB12) | 2024/09 |
S | 4100 | Merit Systems Protection Board | 2024/08 |
S | NAVN | Navajo Nation (NAVN) | 2024/08 |
S | SPOK | Spokane Tribe of Indians (SPOK) | 2024/08 |
S | 9539 | US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims | 2024/08 |
S | 9530 | Us Institute of Peace | 2024/08 |
S | 9955 | D.C. Housing Authority | 2024/07 |
S | 9951 | D.C. Water | 2024/07 |
S | 9504 | Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission | 2024/07 |
S | 0078 | Federal Reserve System | 2024/07 |
S | NC32 | Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians (NC32) | 2024/07 |
S | 2500 | National Credit Union Administration | 2024/07 |
S | 3321 | National Gallery of Art | 2024/07 |
S | 3300 | Smithsonian Institution | 2024/07 |
S | 9553 | Advisory Council on Historic Preservation | 2024/06 |
S | 9518 | Committee for Purchase from People Who are Blind or Severely Disabled | 2024/06 |
S | 6100 | Consumer Product Safety Commission | 2024/05 |
S | 8400 | Armed Forces Retirement Home | 2024/05 |
S | 1019 | US Supreme Court | 2024/05 |
S | 9550 | Chemical Safety Board | 2024/05 |
S | 9564 | Public Defender Service for District of Columbia | 2024/05 |
S | 6914 | Surface Transportation Board | 2024/05 |
S | 0100 | Architect of the Capitol | 2024/04 |
S | 9562 | Election Assistance Commission | 2024/04 |
S | 1017 | US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit | 2024/03 |
S | 9538 | Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board | 2024/02 |
S | 0087 | Miscellaneous Non-Government Accounts | 2024/02 |
S | 3358 | Woodrow Wilson International Center For Scholars | 2024/02 |
S | 0005 | House of Representatives | 2024/01 |
S | 4838 | Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Commission | 2023/10 |
S | AB01 | Agency AB | 2023/09 |
S | 9567 | Denali Commission | 2023/09 |
S | 3400 | International Trade Commission | 2023/09 |
S | 0019 | Senate | 2023/09 |
S | 9527 | US Holocaust Memorial Council | 2023/09 |
S | 4813 | Interagency Council for the Homeless | 2023/08 |
S | 1106 | Inter-American Foundation | 2023/08 |
S | 9522 | Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board | 2023/07 |
S | 9520 | Commission on Fine Arts | 2023/07 |
S | 9508 | National Transportation Safety Board | 2023/07 |
S | 1831 | Postal Regulatory Commission | 2023/07 |
S | 9583 | Council of the Inspector General on Integrity and Efficiency | 2023/06 |
S | 8300 | Export-Import Bank of the United States | 2023/06 |
S | 9580 | Federal Housing Finance Agency OIG | 2023/05 |
S | 5400 | Federal Labor Relations Authority | 2023/05 |
S | 9563 | Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (D.C.) | 2023/04 |
S | 2900 | Federal Trade Commission | 2023/04 |
S | 9502 | National Capital Planning Commission | 2023/04 |
S | 7400 | American Battle Monuments Commission | 2023/03 |
S | 4810 | Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board | 2023/03 |
S | 1113 | Peace Corps | 2023/03 |
S | 9529 | National Council on Disability | 2023/02 |
S | 4951 | National Radio Astronomy Observatory | 2023/02 |
S | 9524 | National Mediation Board | 2022/11 |
S | 9582 | Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board | 2022/11 |
S | 5904 | Institute of Museum and Library Services | 2022/10 |
S | 0400 | Government Publishing Office | 2022/09 |
S | 9300 | Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service | 2022/08 |
S | 9000 | Selective Service System | 2022/06 |
S | 7100 | US International Development Finance Corporation | 2022/05 |
S | NA40 | Confederated Salish and Kootenai (NA40) | 2022/04 |
S | 9515 | Administrative Conference of the United States | 2022/04 |
S | 0300 | Library of Congress | 2022/04 |
S | 9577 | Millennium Challenge Corporation | 2022/04 |
S | 6200 | US Office of Special Counsel | 2022/03 |
S | 4853 | Medicare Payment Advisory Commission | 2022/02 |
S | 0091 | United Nations World Food Program | 2022/01 |
S | 0915 | Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission | 2021/12 |
S | NA07 | Oneida Nation Tribe of Indians (NA07) | 2021/10 |
S | 0073 | Army and Air Force Exchange Service | 2021/10 |
S | 9512 | Japan-United States Friendship Commission | 2021/10 |
S | 0090 | Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission | 2021/10 |
S | 0054 | Inter-American Development Bank | 2021/09 |
S | 5902 | National Endowment for the Arts | 2021/09 |
S | 5901 | National Endowment for the Humanities | 2021/08 |
S | 0067 | United Nations | 2021/08 |
S | 0052 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | 2021/06 |
S | 9511 | Federal Housing Finance Agency | 2021/05 |
S | 9588 | Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council | 2021/05 |
S | 4892 | US China Security Review Commission | 2021/05 |
S | 1148 | US Trade and Development Agency | 2021/05 |
S | 9537 | Commission for the Preservation of Americas Heritage Abroad | 2021/04 |
S | 9540 | Neighborworks America | 2021/04 |
S | 6908 | AMTRAK | 2021/01 |
S | 4602 | Appalachian Regional Commission | 2021/01 |
S | 1294 | Milk Marketing Association | 2021/01 |
S | 0065 | Statue of Liberty Ellis Island Foundation | 2021/01 |
S | 9549 | Morris K Udall and Stewart L Udall Foundation | 2020/12 |
S | 9542 | Office of Government Ethics | 2020/12 |
S | 0084 | National Building Museum | 2020/09 |
S | 4952 | National Center for Atmospheric Research | 2020/09 |
S | 3312 | John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts | 2020/08 |
S | 0814 | Congressional Budget Office | 2019/12 |
S | 1917 | International Boundary Commission US and Canada | 2019/09 |
S | 4953 | US Arctic Research Commission | 2019/08 |
S | 0064 | Pan American Health Organization | 2019/04 |
S | 4883 | Dwight D Eisenhower Memorial Commission | 2019/03 |
S | 9533 | Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence In Education Foundation | 2019/02 |
S | 5600 | Central Intelligence Agency | 2017/11 |
S | 9574 | Commission on the National Moment of Remembrance | 2017/10 |
S | 7618 | Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation | 2017/09 |
S | 4895 | Commission for International Religious Freedom | 2017/07 |
S | 9551 | Director of National Intelligence | 2016/11 |
S | 9565 | Federal Coordinator Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects | 2016/11 |
S | 1252 | Graduate School USA | 2016/11 |
S | 9561 | Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board | 2016/11 |
S | WYAN | Wyandotte Nation of Oklahoma (WYAN) | 2022/10 |
S | NA23 | Alaska Native Tribal Health CO (NA23) | 2022/09 |
S | NC05 | Sault STE Marie Tribe (NC05) | 2022/09 |
S | NC13 | Stockbridge-Munsee Community (NC13) | 2022/09 |
S | NA59 | Augustine Tribal Enterprise (NA59) | 2022/05 |
S | NA02 | Shoshone-Paiute Tribe (NA02) | 2022/03 |
S | NC10 | Ponca Tribe of Nebraska (NC10) | 2022/02 |
S | NB20 | Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation (NB20) | 2022/02 |
S | NA13 | Dine College (NA13) | 2022/01 |
S | NA54 | Washoe Tribal Health (NA54) | 2021/12 |
S | NC09 | Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska (NC09) | 2021/12 |
S | NAJE | Jemez Pueblo Tribe (NAJE) | 2021/10 |
S | NA35 | Alabama Coushatta Tribe (NA35) | 2021/09 |
S | NA-B | Bois Forte Tribal Reservation (NA-B) | 2021/09 |
S | NA46 | Coeur Dalene Tribe (NA46) | 2021/09 |
S | NB10 | Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians (NB10) | 2021/09 |
S | NB11 | Delaware Nation of Western Oklahoma (NB11) | 2021/09 |
S | NASO | South Central Foundation (NASO) | 2021/09 |
S | NA19 | Benewah Medical Clinic (NA19) | 2021/08 |
S | NC25 | Shakopee Sioux - Mystic Lake (NC25) | 2021/07 |
S | NC33 | Sisseton Wahpeton College (NC33) | 2021/07 |
S | 2809 | Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska-Ho-Chunk Inc (2809) | 2021/06 |
S | 2811 | Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska-Ho-Chunk Inc (2811) | 2021/06 |
S | NB09 | Yavapai-Prescott Tribe of the Yavapai Reservation Arizona (NB09) | 2021/04 |
S | NA48 | Zuni Tribe (NA48) | 2021/03 |
S | 1158 | Morongo Band of Cahuilla Indians (1158) | 2021/02 |
S | NA32 | Colusa Indian Community (NA32) | 2021/02 |
S | NATA | Tanana Chief Tribe (NATA) | 2021/02 |
S | NA41 | Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (NA41) | 2021/01 |
S | NA05 | Chief Leschi Schools (NA05) | 2021/01 |
S | NC02 | Navajo Tribal Utilities Authority (NC02) | 2021/01 |
S | NB18 | Hoopa Valley Tribe of California (NB18) | 2020/12 |
S | NB16 | Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians (NB16) | 2020/12 |
S | NA29 | Squaxin Island Tribe (NA29) | 2020/12 |
S | NC21 | Ute Mountain Tribe (NC21) | 2020/12 |
S | NA47 | Guidiville Rancherio (NA47) | 2020/11 |
S | NA61 | Havasupai Tribe (NA61) | 2020/11 |
S | NAK0 | Karuk Tribe of California (NAK0) | 2020/11 |
S | NA37 | Kickapoo Tribe (NA37) | 2020/11 |
S | NA42 | Narragansett Tribe of Rhode Island (NA42) | 2020/11 |
S | NC08 | Rosebud Sioux Tribe (NC08) | 2020/11 |
S | NA49 | Shawnee Tribe (NA49) | 2020/11 |
S | NA44 | White Eagle Health Center (NA44) | 2020/11 |
S | NA69 | White Mountain Apache Telecom (NA69) | 2020/11 |
S | GRLA | Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council (GRLA) | 2020/10 |
S | NA14 | Penobscot Indian Nation (NA14) | 2020/10 |
S | NA33 | Mechoopda Indian Tribe (NA33) | 2020/08 |
S | NA57 | Yurok Tribe (NA57) | 2020/08 |
S | NA03 | Confederated Tribes of the Grande Ronde Community Of Oregon (NA03) | 2020/02 |
S | NAS0 | Stillaguamish Tribe (NAS0) | 2020/02 |
S | GLIF | Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife (GLIF) | 2019/12 |
S | NAS1 | Stillaguamish Tribe (NAS1) | 2019/06 |
S | NAS2 | Stillaguamish Tribe (NAS2) | 2019/05 |
S | NC06 | Mohican North Star Operations (NC06) | 2018/05 |
S | NC12 | Muckleshoot Indian (NC12) | 2018/05 |
S | NA56 | United South and Eastern Tribes (NA56) | 2017/06 |
Data reported as of 01/31/2025
Hours for live chat and calls:
Sun 8 p.m. to Fri 8:30 p.m. Central time
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Per diem localities with county definitions shall include"all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city as well as the boundaries of the listed counties, including independent entities located within the boundaries of the key city and the listed counties (unless otherwise listed separately)."
When a military installation or Government - related facility(whether or not specifically named) is located partially within more than one city or county boundary, the applicable per diem rate for the entire installation or facility is the higher of the rates which apply to the cities and / or counties, even though part(s) of such activities may be located outside the defined per diem locality.