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GSA announces list of sites for new Des Moines Federal Courthouse

DES MOINES, IOWA–The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) announced a list of sites being considered for the new federal courthouse in Des Moines today.

The list includes four sites, listed in no particular order,  as potential locations for the courthouse. Those sites are:

  • An area bounded on the North by E. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway, on the south by Scott Avenue, on the east by SE 4th St, and on the west by the Des Moines River.
  • An area north of E. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway, south of the railroad tracks, bounded on the east by SE 4th St, on the west by the Des Moines River, and excluding the block bounded by the railroad tracks, SE 3rd, SE 4th, and E. Market.
  • 110 East Court Avenue.
  • 101 Locust Street.

In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, analysis of the prospective sites will commence the week of February 6,” said Kevin Rothmier, Heartland GSA’s Acting Public Buildings Service regional commissioner. “GSA anticipates that the public comment period will take place early this summer.”


Additional Resources

GSA Announces $947 Million Courthouse Investment Plan
FY 2016 Funding Meets Judiciary Needs
New Federal Courthouse Coming to Des Moines
GSA seeks Expression of Interest
GSA announces Congressional authorization of Des Moines Courthouse