Learn about the 1122 program
States and units of local government, as defined in 10 U.S.C. 281(d), can buy equipment for counter-drug, homeland security, and emergency response activities. A state point of contact takes orders from state and local governments, validates that the items will be used for approved activities, and ensures that funds are available. Your state must have a certified SPOC in order to buy through 1122.
For MAS items, SPOCs send all orders and payments directly to the MAS contractor. SPOCs place vehicle orders through GSAFleet.gov. Contact your SPOC for more info or help with placing orders.
Ordering procedures
We recommend that you follow Federal Supply Schedule ordering procedures, but it’s not required.
Mandatory order language
You must include the following language on all 1122 program orders:
This order is placed pursuant to the 1122 program, in support of counter-drug, homeland security, or emergency response activities for the State of [insert the name of the state], under the authority of [insert the state point of contact name].
The Department of Defense operates the 1122 program. Section 1122 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994 established the authority for state and local governments to buy law enforcement equipment through federal channels, as long as the equipment is used for counter-drug activities.
The Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 amended 10 U.S.C. 381 to expand the procurement authority under 1122 to include equipment for homeland security and emergency response activities.
We work with DOD and the Defense Logistics Agency to provide equipment for purchase to states participating in 1122.